Role of Fundamental Analysis in Market

Course Description

The "Online Fundamental Analysis Course" provides a comprehensive understanding of evaluating stocks based on economic and financial factors. Learn the importance of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements in assessing company performance and stability. Explore how industry analysis, political, and economic factors influence market trends and investment decisions. Understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative analysis, and delve into company analysis by evaluating management competence, brand reputation, and industry positioning. Master financial ratios such as liquidity, profitability, and leverage, and discover stock screeners and advanced strategies like averaging down and pyramiding up. This course equips you with the skills needed to make informed investment decisions.

  • Understanding Fundamental Analysis: Evaluating Stocks Based on Economic and Financial Factors
  • Grasping the Concept of Time Value of Money: Assessing the Impact of Timing on Investment Returns
  • Exploring Financial Statements: Analyzing Company Performance Through Balance Sheets, Income Statements, and Cash Flow Statements
  • Importance of Balance Sheet: Understanding Its Role in Assessing Company Financial Health and Stability

  • Understanding the Profit and Loss Statement: Assessing Company Revenue, Expenses, and Profitability
  • Importance of the Profit and Loss Statement: Analyzing Financial Performance and Operational Efficiency
  • Exploring the Cash Flow Statement: Tracking Cash Inflows and Outflows for Financial Stability
  • Significance of the Cash Flow Statement: Evaluating Liquidity and Cash Management
  • Performing Industry Analysis: Analyzing Market Trends, Competition, and Growth Opportunities in Specific Sectors

  • Recognizing the Significance of Political Analysis: Assessing Political Factors and Their Impact on Business Environment and Market Trends
  • Understanding the Importance of Economic Analysis: Evaluating Macroeconomic Indicators and Their Influence on Market Performance and Investment Decisions
  • Differentiating Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis: a. Qualitative Analysis: Assessing Non-Numerical Factors such as Management Quality, Brand Reputation, and Industry Trends b. Quantitative Analysis: Utilizing Numerical Data such as Financial Ratios, Revenue Figures, and Market Performance Metrics
  • Delving into Company Analysis - Qualitative: a. Evaluating Management Team Competence and Vision b. Assessing Brand Strength and Customer Perception c. Analyzing Industry Position, Competitive Advantages, and Market Opportunities

  • Ratios: Liquidity, Profitability, Leverage
  • Introduction to Stock Screeners
  • Averaging Down: Buying More as Prices Drop
  • Pyramiding Up: Adding to Winners as Prices Rise

  • Intrinsic Value: Underlying Worth of a Stock Based on Fundamental Factors
  • Calculating Intrinsic Value: Determining Stock Value Using Fundamental Analysis
  • Undervalued and Overvalued Stocks: Assessing Market Price Relative to Intrinsic Value
  • Company Analysis: Evaluating Financial Health, Management, and Industry Position

₹ 5999

Course includes:
  • Duration

    1 week

  • Mode


  • Certificate
