Dollar Index Analysis
  • 13 February, 2024 Rajesh Tatineni

Dollar Index Analysis

Afternoon Session: "Deciphering Market Dynamics: Navigating DXY's Neutral Momentum and Key Support-Resistance Levels", will it come out of comfort zone ahead of CPI?


  • DXY chart indicates a neutral momentum, signaling a lack of a clear market direction.
  • 1st support at 103.95 is identified as an overlap support, historically attracting buying interest.
  • 1st resistance at 104.26 and the 2nd resistance at 104.52 are both labeled as overlap resistances.

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The current DXY chart indicates a state of neutral momentum, signifying a lack of clear market direction. This scenario suggests a potential for price fluctuations within the range of the 1st resistance and 1st support levels.

Delving into the support levels, the 1st support at 103.95 holds particular significance as it is identified as an overlap support. This designation implies a historical pattern where buying interest has historically emerged at this level. Furthermore, the 2nd support at 103.73 is characterized as a pullback support, reinforcing the possibility of buyers entering the market at this juncture.

On the resistance front, the 1st resistance level at 104.26 is labeled as an overlap resistance, underscoring its historical role as a point where selling pressure has been observed. Similarly, the 2nd resistance at 104.52 is noted as another overlap resistance, emphasizing its importance as a potential barrier hindering further upward movement.

This analysis suggests that traders should closely monitor these key levels, considering the historical significance attached to them. The overlap supports and resistances provide valuable insights into potential areas of buying and selling interest, offering a nuanced perspective for navigating the current market conditions. As the DXY chart reflects a neutral momentum, astute observation of these levels could prove crucial in making informed trading decisions in the face of market uncertainty.

Support and Resistance Levels:

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